ERNR wrote:
> Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, and good to see you back (hope 
> it's not just a brief visit)

Too early to say.

> > Last night a flash jumped off the top of my Program
> > Plus.  
> I'm trying to picture this. And failing. Would you have time to elaborate?

It was dark and I'm not sure exactly how it happened; the
camera was hanging from my shoulder, I was putting my guitar
in the trunk after a recording session, I heard that distinct
sound of the plastic housing of a flash unit tumbling onto
the pavement, and when I picked up the flash I saw that the
foot had the flash shoe stuck to it.  I don't know whether
it had worked loose and chose that moment to fall, or got
bumped by my bag as I leaned over, or what.

> > .... I'm going to have to come up
> > with some tricks to help me remember to plan for 
> > cropping when I shoot portraits.
> Perhaps a note attached to the back of the camera?
> (I'm serious.)

Might work, as long as the note doesn't become so familiar
that I tune it out as "visual noise" before the habit 
becomes ingrained enough that I no longer need the note.
It's certainly the easiest thing I can imagine trying.

I remember that the ground glass for the 5x7 camera I
borrowed about a year ago had pencil marks on it to show
the cropping for 8x10 prints, and that made a lot of 
sense to me ... but I'm not sure I want to try marking
the viewfinders of my 35mm cameras.  (I could see it if
I were using an LX and could swap in a marked finder for
portraits and an unmarked one when I didn't want any
marks (and even then, I'd need to *remember* to put on 
the portrait-marked finder), but the closest I've come 
to having an LX is holding one for five or ten minutes 
on the way home from Toronto a few years ago and saying, 
"Oooh, feels nice in the hands, doesn't it?".

Ah, but I digress and I ramble ... For now I'll grab
some gaffer's tape and try your suggestion.

                                        -- Glenn

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