I think some of you guys have your monitors set way too bright. The rolling clouds in Shel's photo show clearly on mine. Not burned out at all. They add to the somber look of the photo.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Hey,now your getting into my style of photography.LOL

I like this one very much Shel. The old 1920's(?) car abandon in the yard works very well.
We have that in rural Ontario,but mostly 1970's and on.<g> I like the sepia touch,makes it look

Some of the responses arrived prior to your post,but i like it composed this way. I often
try and get any pond on a property if i can.The buildings on the gentle slope look pleasing.
Only problem i see is the sky on my monitor has no cloud detail at all. I quess from one
of your replies there are clouds.Maybe a bit of a burn in might help.

Would look nice as a sepia wet  print i think.

On a side note.I used to have the same problem if someone was driving and i wanted to stop
for a picture.
I work alone now.LOL

Good work.


> While driving I spotted this scene, and asked my friend, Ron, who was

driving, to stop the truck, and got out to make this photograph.  I'd have
loved to have gotten closer, but Ron was being a pill and urged me to
hurry, and this was the only snap I got.  It's a little different from most
of my work, and maybe you'll enjoy it.



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