I broke out some non-A lenses to play with on the *ist D today and ran them
thru some exposure tests.  When pressing the green button in moderate to
good light, it seems to be giving accurate exposures when the lens is
stopped to f5 or larger.  When stopped down further than this, it often
actually shortens the time value, significantly underexposing the image.  It
seems to give only accurate readings when the time value is .3 seconds or
shorter; anything where the actual exposure should be longer than this will
not be exposed correctly by the camera, and in fact it will not set a time
value slower than 1.5 seconds when even common sense indicates it should be
a 3 or more second exposure.  Has anyone else suffered this problem?  I've
done the basic stuff, checked the lens for defects (used all my non-A
lenses, for example), cleaned the contacts on the camera, checked the
program function.  It's maddening.  Any feedback would be appreciated.  I'm
dreading sending this off to service.  Perhaps I've forgotten something in
the operation?

Best regards,
Chris Niesmertelny

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