On Dec 15, 2004, at 12:33 AM, Joakim Johansson wrote:

Most people on this planet live in the third world. They may be poor, but
they are many. And they use cameras and take photographs too, mostly with
film cameras. So I don't think the film is dead.

Krakow, Poland is nowhere _near_ a third-world country, and I can assure you that film is not dead here, and looks like it will be a long time before it dies. In fact, it is still quite easy to get genuine chemical prints and enlargements at a processor here. My photo shop uses the digital stuff for snapshots, etc, but has a genuine darkroom for larger, individual images, and they send out for such things as banners, etc. They are very proud of their abilities, and very popular with the film crowd. But beyond them, film is literally everywhere, as are both cheap and expensive 35mm cameras. I suspect that if you were to travel further east, you would find even fewer digital cameras, and more film.

Having said that, I've noticed that more and more people are carrying digital cameras. There was an ad last week for a cheap 4 or 5mp Kodak camera with a 2x optical zoom for about a hundred dollars. Not cheap, but right in line with the zoom point and shoot film cameras here. Digital is coming here as well...
-Jon Glass
Krakow, Poland

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