Jens Bladt mused:
> Congrats Dave
> >I see what you all mean about the CF card door.
> >Bit of a pain,but i'll work out something
> Open the door. Press the button. Tilt the camera to the right.
> Pull it out, using the nail of your right thumb - enough to take it the rest
> of the way with two fingers.

Sure.   Now try that with a MicroDrive.

On occasion you'll need to exert rather more effort than you'll
be able to manage using the above procedure, and unless you're
applying the force *exactly* in the direction needed to remove
the media all you'll do is wedge things in a little harder.
(I'm not sure where you'd apply pressure with the thumbnail,
either; there's no ridge on the upper surface of a MicroDrive,
and the camera body prevents you getting at the lower surface)

I carry a special tool (basically a pair of oversized tweezers
with a small lip at the end of the blades); other folks have
added little extraction handles to their CF cards using some
variety of adhesive tape.   I'd be very cautious trying that
with a MicroDrive; they're already thicker than a regular CF II
card, and you don't want to end up with something that will be
too thick for the available space.  Make sure you use a thin
tape if you try that, and check the corners regularly every
time you go to re-insert it.

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