The look I was going for was a bit older than the fifties, but was doing it
from memory of a couple of early photos instead of actually looking at them
before starting work on the photo.

The interactive aspect of your action is quite helpful and, of course, did
not go unnoticed.

Your version looks just too flat and muddy to these old eyes, Jostein's too
fried in the highlights.  But, the nice thing about it all is that the
process lends itself to plenty of interpretations.

I'll have to look at the other pics later.


> [Original Message]
> From: Rob Studdert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I went for an older look but I had to mess about with the "film curve" to
preserve the detail in the roof shingles, I guess it lies between Josteins
version (which looks like a very early pic and is a bit too saturated in
the highlights for me) and yours which looks like it's circa 50's?:
> > I tried Rob's action straight from the can, but it didn't cut it for
> > pic as far as I was concerned.
> I did design it to be interactive :-)
> I've done some more quick conversions myself, some worked some didn't and
> that did work never would have made it to print as colour images, they
> essentially record shots or particularly bad exposures for one reason or 
> another, so I'm happy:

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