in 2 - 3 years at most, the number of in-use cameras globally will be about even between film and digital. Fuji and Kodak are seeing an annual decrease of 20% per year in film units sold for the past three years and best case estimates are for the rate to stay the same and not drop even faster. the number of people replacing a film camera with another film camera is negligible. when Kodak and Fuji drop out, what will be left will be small production factories using old technology and selling no-name brands at either at very high or very low prices and questionable quality control since large scale is what makes film so uniform in quality.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Joakim Johansson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 2004 10:58 AM
Subject: SV: SV: The film is dead

And what you probably didn't even think about is that film based cameras still is the most spread camera type on this planet, by far.

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