On Sun, Dec 19, 2004 at 10:25:45AM +1000, Rob Studdert wrote:
> On 18 Dec 2004 at 18:01, Luigi de Guzman wrote:
> > As with the hardware, so with the software:  I use the GIMP and Linux 
> > because
> > they're  powerful and efficient for most of what I need to do, and--this is 
> > the
> > best part--they're FREE.  gratis.  It enables me to run everything on a very
> > modest, four year old computer.
> I don't know of any serious Linux apps for photo-imaging, unfortunately Gimp 
> isn't a consideration for anyone wishing to maximize their post production 
> work-
> flow, consistency and quality. Not all applications for Windows cost, 
> NeatImage 
> provides a stand-alone application for free, all that is required is the 
> Windows operating environment.

... which can be running on fairly modest hardware, by today's standards.

I'm still running my film scanner on a PII/400 under NT4.0  (although I came
across a PCI SCSI card while looking for something else, so I'll probably
move it over to the current machine, and retire the NT box).

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