Sylwester Pietrzyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Mark Roberts wrote on 19.12.04 18:02:
>> Actually, it's *only* the DG Super that has this feature. (Sorry for the
>> incorrect link in the first message)
>No Mark, Sigma 500 DG ST FEATURES P-TTL too, but it doesn't feature wireless
>flash, HSS and some other advanced functions.
>> And no, the Sigma web page hasn't yet been updated to show it. Typical
>> corporate web page maintenance...
>It is always beter to check domestic corporate page in Japan:

...and even that page is only partially updated: The list of compatible
cameras at the top of the page shows Pentax but the one at the bottom
doesn't include Pentax at all. The "Compatible cameras" pop-up link
shows a table dated "as of 27th may, 2004". Yet the table lists the
ist-DS, which wasn't even announced until late summer.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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