Thanks for the inspirational words, Butch. A very merry Christmas to you. And 
may we always have the list to keep us warm.

> Graywolf wrote:
> All in all this has been a good holiday, lacking only a family to share it 
> with.
> Maybe next year I can adopt one...
> I know how it feels. This was the first holiday season that I have been back 
> in Mass. I have a group of friends that have become a large functional 
> family to me (as opposed to my small dysfunctional biological family now all 
> passed) Christmas is at Richard and Wendy's. It used to be 40-50 people, now 
> it's maybe 20, mostly the core group. We had a wonderful dinner, then broke 
> out musical instruments, played and sang for a couple hours. my fingers are 
> killing me as I haven't picked up an instrument in years. I now feel like 
> I'm home again.
> That same camaraderie is what I like so much about this list. Given how many 
> people don't have groups like these make me realize how fortunate I am.
> Butch 

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