On Fri, 31 Dec 2004 18:10:59 -0800, Shel Belinkoff
> .. may 2005 be a great year for all Pentaxians.
> http://home.earthlink.net/~pdml-pics/hny.jpg
> (Boring, unimaginative, cliche, New Year greeting)

I won't start another "Happy New Year" thread, as there are several
started already.  I'll just jump in on this one, to wish all my
friends on PDML the Happiest of New Years, and a healthy and
prosperous 2005.

2004 had it's ups (like my first - and certainly not last - GFM) and
downs (pretty much the rest of the year <g>).  One of the local papers
had "your horoscope for 2005", and for us Librans, it was absolutely
spectacular.  If 10% of what they said comes true, I'll be a happy

Actually, despite some setbacks this past year, I ~am~ a happy guy,
and will continue to be one, I suspect.  I have great friends, a
loving supportive family, a great place to live, I'm never hungry,
I've got a job, and fulfilling and rewarding hobbies.  I've even got
an LX.

Could life get any more rewarding?  <g>

Okay, enough navel-gazing.  I've got to get rid of this hangover and
go watch football...  <vbg>

cheers, and all the best to my friends here,

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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