I keep track of exposures. I get about 2000 on 8 lithium AAs in the camera and battery grip. If I'm close to that number and I have an important shoot coming up, I change them.
On Jan 8, 2005, at 11:10 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

How does one know when the batteries are getting low besides having
problems with the camera? Is there a battery test or check feature? It
seems from your post that there's a battery condition indicator, yet it
also seems that the indicator doesn't do a very good job of alerting the
user to the battery state.


[Original Message]
From: Don Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Just about ready to declare the camera dead
until it indicated low battery.
Put in fresh Lithiums and Presto!, all the
problems went away.
These D's seem to get real squirrely when the
batteries are nearing death!
The old cells were down to 1.42 volts, apparently
that's the magic number for 'squirrely-ness' on
my particular D! ;-)

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