
Saturday, January 8, 2005, 10:46:14 PM, Shel wrote:

> <LOL>

> It was just a couple of pics back that someone said titles and context are
> often a detriment.

That depends on the type of photograph and the use it's put to. Any
picture which purports to be journalism - and I'm not suggesting that
this does - needs a caption at least.

> I think the pic makes it pretty clear as to what's going on, but then, I've
> seen lots of people shooting heroin and injecting insulin, as well as
> shooting up lots of other injectables, so I'd not confuse this with
> injecting insulin.

> The title as seen in the browser bar says "Untitled - H" - that makes it
> pretty clear as to what's being injected I think.

Only in a language where the drug starts with 'H'.

> What would you suggest as context or background?

Not everybody has the same experience of people injecting. I've seen
people shooting up heroin, but never insulin, as far as I know. I have
no idea whether or not it's different. Maybe it's different still for
methadone or some other heroin substitute, or the same - I don't know,
and most of your viewers probably don't either.

The type of context I would want to know is: who, what, when, where
and why. Who are these people? What is their relationship to each other
- is one a regular user, a recovering user, first time user? Is the other
also a user, or some kind of social worker or medical person? Are they part
of the same family? Is this a recent photograph? How do you as a photographer
come to be there? What are they injecting - heroin, sugar water,
methadone, insulin, something else? Is the needle clean - e.g. from a
medical or charitable supply? Where is this taking place? What are
their circumstances? Is there a backstory that tells us how they got
into this situation?


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