On Sat, 8 Jan 2005 13:46:54 -0800, Shel Belinkoff
> Hi Dave,
> Thanks!  You're the only person to comment on this pic, and probably one of
> the few to have seen it (based on web page stats).
> Lighting was from one small window located above and behind the scene. Pic
> made with a banged up old Spottie and a yellowed Super Tak 50/1.4, should
> anyone care.
> Shel

Shel, FWIW, I didn't get ~either~ of your posts;  only Dave's reply
showed up in your mailbox.  I'm sure that's why not so many have
looked at it.

I think it's a jarring photo.  I'm not so sure that I like the black
background, but I think if I saw an actual print, I'd feel
differently.  As presented, with the black background of the print,
the thin white frame on a black page, I find it a bit oppressive. 
It's a very heavy image to begin with.  I don't mean to make too big a
deal of it, because the image itself is so strong, one becomes
somewhat transfixed.

I guess I'm pretty naive about shooting heroin, but what bothers me
the most about the image is that there is an extra set of hands in it.
 Is that usual?  Does one normally need help to engage in this
activity?  For some reason I find that very disquieting, but I'm not
sure why.

The composition is terrific, and I find the slight motion blur of the
finger about to press the plunger of the syringe to be about perfect.

A very strong image indeed.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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