On Sat, 8 Jan 2005 20:58:56 -0500, frank theriault
> An alternate title I was thinking of was, "Please Completely Insert
> Your Quarter..."
> Foul language warning:  If swear-words offend you, don't open this url:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/3124455/
> Comments are always welcome!

For those of you who don't like Flickr, I've loaded it onto photo.net:


I've been checking out other sites, as I want something free that
allows more than photo.net allows non-subscribers.  Flickr's okay, but
it takes forever for me to load them on my creaky old 'puter, and even
longer to put them into a PAW folder (or set or whatever they call
them) - so long that I just gave up with this one.  So, since
photo.net ~says~ the new non-subscriber limit is lower, they continue
to allow me to load more photos, and haven't deleted any yet, so I
guess I'll keep using it for now.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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