Like it says (or used to say) on a billboard in Saskatchewan, Canada:

"There's a place on this earth for all God's creatures...
...Right next to the mashed potatoes."


From: "Francis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On the island where I live the white tailed deer have, for lack of predators, shrunk to be scarcely bigger than most goats. They also seem to have developed the knack of waiting at the side of the road for cars to pass (a quality I haven't seen in deer anywhere else), rather than leaping out in front of the approaching vehicle, which may have something to do with them being so numerous here.

This one and a few others came to my yard almost every day during the fall to eat the apples that I put out for them, but they usually come at dusk, so I have a lot of blurry photos of them.
P3n, K200/2.5, Wobble-O-Matic tripod, cheap 100 iso print film.

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