You know I am beginning to wonder if I would be wasting money to go to
school...I can't afford to go to someplace like UC, and the two junior
colleges out here seem to be stuck in the dark ages in so far as
photography goes. One barely has a program. The other, it's pretty
bad. City College seems viable, and has a good program I am told, but
then again 99% of it is geared towards traditional photography, at
least so far as I can tell though they do seem to be adding more
digital stuff towards the end. I think I can still learn a lot there,
but I'm not sure I can learn everything I want to...

I'm told the Harvey Milk Center has a good program and I am likely
doing some swapping in so far as skills with an instructor there. I've
got lots of digital imaging skills because I was a graphic designer
trainee before I got hurt, and I am swapping him some digital work for
help with the basics of regular photography.  They do seem to have a
wonderful lab set up. So I am thinking I may just go that route and
take a class at a time there as I can. It's far cheaper than most of
the colleges and while I won't have an AS degree at the end, I'll
still have the skills....

This is a second career for me, and it's what I'd like to do with rest
of my life. I have some medical problems which are making it difficult
for me physically, and I don't know that I'll make it much past 65
maybe. I'm almost 40 now, so I decided that if am going to be stuck
being disabled and sick, I am going to do what I want, and not just
rot on SS income....I'm not likely to get married or have kids, The
"work" is my life, and I feel it has to have more meaning than just
collecting a paycheck.

I wanna leave something  behind, even if it is just a few pretty pictures, and 
will do whatevr I have to do to accomplish that even if it means
teaching myself from books.  It wouldn't be ideal but it wouldn't be
the first time either...

I mean to have a lil studio in 3 years.  I'm going to do mostly
portrait stuff, kids, animals, people. Maybe catalog or magazine work
if I can get it. I'm not aiming to be some hot shot. I just want to
make a living and shoot what I want on the side...Fill my life up with
something meaningful so that I can enjoy whatever time I do have.  I'm
likely to be doing that partly from a wheelchair at some point, but I
don't mean to let it slow me down....much....


On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 10:30:15 +0000 (GMT), Kostas Kavoussanakis
> On Fri, 14 Jan 2005, Cotty wrote:
> > On 13/1/05, n/a, discombobulated, unleashed:
> >
> > >That surprises me because my future teacher that I spoke to seemed to
> > >think I was premature in predicting that the pros were focusing more
> > >in digital. She was pretty admant about telling me that I needed to
> > >"rethink" my idea of mostly being a digital  photographer.
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > Well there you are. The last people you should listen to are teachers!
> Good point. Here is another point: as far as I understand, the lass
> with no name wants to learn photography. She can do most of that with
> any camera and leave the digi vs film dust to settle on its own. A
> learner (in my opinion) need not have strong opinions, open eyes and
> ears will do.
> Kostas

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