So it was written:
And, just a
small point - the "hippies" left in 1970, many moving to Marin County to
take up the straight life.  Surprisingly - or maybe not so surprising -
many of the long-haired, dope-smoking, brown-rice-and-veggie-eating, Mario
Savio following hippies I knew in 1967 are now quite conservative, even if
they espouse a liberal philosophy, and drive "Marin County VW's" (that's a
Porsche for those who don't know Marin).

If anyone visiting California wants to see hippies, I tell them to drop by Davis, where I went to college (aka university for you international-types), or anywhere in Mendocino County. Davis is something of a hippy mecca, and most of Mendocino County is remote enough that folks there just live however the heck they want. Beautiful area, too.

Not a hippy, but knew quite a few,
John Celio


AIM: Neopifex

"Hey, I'm an artist. I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a statement."

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