Why?  Do you find that shooting digital affords better final quality
prints?  Are most of your photos destined for the web or email in some way,
bypassing prints in most instances?  If you make prints, how large are
they? (Did you send my high quality B&W print yet?) Do you prefer digital
because you can bypoass the darkroom?  Did you do your own darkroom work
before moving to digital?  

I ask because, for me, it seems that the reason to move to digital is
because there are times when I'm just too lazy to process film at home
(I've always disliked processing film - B-O-R-I-N-G), or don't want to
spend the time traveling to and from the lab to get the film processed. 
Actually, the more i think about it, the more I realize that what digital
means to me, and the main reason I'm considering it,  is that I won't have
to spend time processing film, either at home or driving to the lab.  If I
could shoot film and have it processed to my standards without having to
spend the time doing it myself, I'd not be thinking about digital at all
except for simple snaps for eBay and to send Q&D pics to family and
friends, and that sort of thing.


> On Jan 16, 2005, at 5:56 AM, Cotty wrote:

> > I wonder how many DSLR owners have picked up a film camera and actually
> > used it since acquiring the digital? It's not that I can't - but I just
> > don't want to.

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