I don't know if this has been brought up recently but if it has... I

Maybe I haven't been paying that much attention to it but as of today my
local camera store raised their Ilford prices.
Fuji and Agfa are next (apparently) to jack theirs up by March 1.

An example of the increased price?
HP5+ 36 exp
- was: $4.99 CDN/roll
- now: $5.89 CDN/roll
That's an 18% increase.

Apparently some of the Ilford increases are upwards of 150% (this was
according to the front counter film staff at the local shop - so I'm taking
that "large" of an increase with a grain of salt for now).

Maybe it's just me and since I haven't been shooting film that often but
that increase alone is pricey considering I would still have to factor in
processing costs (whether done at home or at a lab) and any printing that I
may want done.

What makes it hurt that much more is I still think that B&W film is superior
to the digital conversion of color jpegs or RAW images. This is just my
opinion mind you and, as always, YMMV.

I really think, even with all the bells and whistles and instant
gratification that digital brings, I will still be buying film for a long
time yet.


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