On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I used the 500 this past weekend, on a bracket in Contrast-Control mode, with
> the *ist D (to take a series of "mug shots"). Quite good results. Also in
> regular mode, not contrast-control, to photograph a group.
> I'd had some appalling results in the past, which experimentation proved to
> be the result of not-quite-tight-enough connections between the various off-
> camera adapters and cables. But now I'm happy with the combination.

Are you using the Pentax (AF280T) bracket? Are you isolating the
contacts? In my case the answer is yes in the first and no in the
second, but I think I may have to reconsider the second bit. I will
test more before I report, but the manual for the 500 (or is it the
manual for the -5n) recommends against using the bracket. I did get
some weird behaviour with the K18/3.5.


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