
> Pretty much the same for me, at home.  At work, with the power mad (they
> think that "being in charge of" means "have power over" rather than "be
> responsible for") little masturbators in "management" positions, it is
> easier to leave it in HTML mode and not have to explain for the 
> umpteenth time to their walnut-sized brains (which I suspect _are_ 
> located in their nether regions) that they are abusing a system.

> mike
> feeling better now but I might do that again for fun.....

perhaps you're not using the right type of language to talk to them.

Tell them that you're going to enterprise-solution the end-to-end turnkey
delivery of an innovative customer-centered value-add which transitions
fast-track authoring for a communicatively architected stripped-down
point-to-point global email solution for the enterprise.

And do it with Powerpoint.

 Bob (That'll be $50,000.00 please) Ripov, MBA

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