Glad you made it home. The weather is definitely a problem for the midwest, 
north central, and northeast. Here in Michigan, we have about ten inches of new 
snow. It's very cold, so the snow is light and blowing around. I'm remodeling a 
bathroom and needed some parts, so I drove about five miles to Lowes Hardware 
in my Jeep. Lots of fun. But I wouldn't want to be out there in a 2WD car. It's 

> Hi, 
> Lynn & I started today in Washington, DC visiting my daughter at GWU
> and seeing some of the Inauguration on Thursday.  They were
> threatening 4-7 inches of snow today in DC, so we were happy to be on
> the 9:30 AM flight to Chicago.
> After a $50 Taxi ride to Dulles International at 7 AM, United Airlines
> told us the flight was canceled and the next was 9:45 PM into Chicago.
>  I inquired about Regan National Airport, and they got us on a 10:30
> AM flight, so another $50 Taxi ride BACK INTO the city (same salt
> trucks parked along the interstate waiting for the snow to start) and
> then a wrestling match with the self-service ticketing machines and a
> call on the HELP hand set installed next to the machine and it finally
> gave up two boarding passes.
> I think we were more successful than most, as it proved to be the last
> flight into Chicago and we got two aisle seats.  Departure was delayed
> until 11:20 AM as the equipment was late.  Seems the original pilot
> got stuck in a ditch on the way to the airport.  They offered free
> tickets to 4 travelers who were willing to delay departure until
> tomorrow to accomodate some international travelers connecting thru
> Chicago.
> We insturment landed at O'hare to 1/4 mile visibility and plenty of
> snow.  It's snowing to beat the band now and I've got 6 inches on the
> driveway despite evidence that the neighbor ran the snowblower over it
> sometime in the past 24 hours.  This is a pretty good storm as it
> stretches some 1,000 miles from Chicago to Washington, DC.
> Regards,  Bob S.

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