Bob, glad to hear you made it home. That was a close call. Did you have to
dig your car out to get home from the airport?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Sullivan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 5:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: OT: Happy to be home
> Hi, 
> Lynn & I started today in Washington, DC visiting my daughter 
> at GWU and seeing some of the Inauguration on Thursday.  They 
> were threatening 4-7 inches of snow today in DC, so we were 
> happy to be on the 9:30 AM flight to Chicago.
> After a $50 Taxi ride to Dulles International at 7 AM, United 
> Airlines told us the flight was canceled and the next was 
> 9:45 PM into Chicago.  I inquired about Regan National 
> Airport, and they got us on a 10:30 AM flight, so another $50 
> Taxi ride BACK INTO the city (same salt trucks parked along 
> the interstate waiting for the snow to start) and then a 
> wrestling match with the self-service ticketing machines and 
> a call on the HELP hand set installed next to the machine and 
> it finally gave up two boarding passes.
> I think we were more successful than most, as it proved to be 
> the last flight into Chicago and we got two aisle seats.  
> Departure was delayed until 11:20 AM as the equipment was 
> late.  Seems the original pilot got stuck in a ditch on the 
> way to the airport.  They offered free tickets to 4 travelers 
> who were willing to delay departure until tomorrow to 
> accomodate some international travelers connecting thru Chicago.
> We insturment landed at O'hare to 1/4 mile visibility and 
> plenty of snow.  It's snowing to beat the band now and I've 
> got 6 inches on the driveway despite evidence that the 
> neighbor ran the snowblower over it sometime in the past 24 
> hours.  This is a pretty good storm as it stretches some 
> 1,000 miles from Chicago to Washington, DC.
> Regards,  Bob S.

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