No' I'm not gonna bid on it. With that kind of money IO could get a decent
wide-zoom for the *ist D (to replace my faulty Tokina  AT-X 28-70mm - wich
is at the repair shop currently ). With 4 hours left and 270 GBP it could go
above 500 USD. However there's one more, a little less nice (judging from
the photographs) - 6 days left at currebtly 150 GBP.
However, I have bid for a Non Coupled Isolette III, which is quite as good,
but less convenient and not as fast to use.

I already have a Agfa Record (6x9), but unfortunately not the best one, wich
has a Solinar lens, which is better than any Agnar or Apotar. The best one
is called Record III and is range4finder and usually as expensive as the
Isolette CRF.

The only "real compeditors" are the old Zeiss Ikon metered rangefinders.
They are quite expensive and bulky.
Even Zeiss Jena (DDR) made some 6x6 ramgefinders, but they quite rare and
often faulty.

Jens Bladt


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Paul Stenquist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 23. januar 2005 15:46
Emne: Re: Camera Lust!

What Frank said.

On Jan 23, 2005, at 9:11 AM, frank theriault wrote:

> On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 13:01:13 +0100, Jens Bladt
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> PDML rules prevent me from posting a link for the auction, but...
>> Here's an AGFA Isolette CRF with a Solinar lens.
>> Beautiful and brilliant camera!
>> I'd really, really love to have this, but it's quite expensive :-(
>> It's a like new 6x6 camera with a coupled range finder and it will
>> fit in
>> your pocket or camera bag, along with what else you carry for
>> photographing.
>> All you need is a light meter (or a SLR)and film. You can have a 70
>> Megapixel camera in your pocket!
> I could be wrong, but my understanding is that the "guidelines" (I
> hesitate to call them rules) suggest that it's inappropriate to post
> ongoing eBay auctions of Pentax gear, the operative words being
> "ongoing" and "Pentax".  AFAIK, we are more than welcome to post
> closed auctions, or auctions of non-Pentaxia.
> Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
> BTW, sounds like a cool camera.  Is it a folder?  You gonna bid on it?
> cheers,
> frank
> --
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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