Yeah ... this Xmas my brother had a hunting dog that really frightened my
grand-daughter all the time ... coming up under the table  while we were
eating our roe deer  ... so I'm not so sure about that.

>>Woo, woo! WTG (way to go)!
>>Boy, I want a dog.
>>Marnie aka Doe :-(  Not possible right now.
>Of course, I am not sure what breed. I am not dog-conversant. I had a cocker
>spaniel mutt when I was a kid and he only lasted about a year before he got
>hit by a car. No dogs since. (I think I'm over it now.)
>Thinking ahead... I was thinking border collie -- right size, smart. I like
>smart. But a dog-conversant friend told me they are fairly high maintenance
>since they get bored easily. So if you can't find some way to work them
>or something) they can be hyperactive. Or maybe hyperactive all the time,
>they aren't really working if they are a pet.
>Oh, well, a long way off (getting a dog).
>Marnie aka Doe  (I wouldn't mind a dog thread, rather than a coffee thread.

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