On 23 Jan 2005 at 23:26, William Robb wrote:

> Rob, digital imaging does, most certainly, impose a noise/transfer 
> fingerprint.
> We bitch about parts of it from time to time with things like RAW 
> converters leaving rough edges. stairstepping, and weird edge 
> effects.
> We complain about not enough pixies, and how this introduces 
> artifacts when we overmagnify the image.

Practically speaking I don't have problems any longer, I use a RAW conversion 
process that doesn't create unwanted edge effects, I manage my post processing 
such that I avoid creating gross errors and I don't print to a magnification 
that would make individual pixels apparent. I keep within the limits of the 

> The way to remove much (all, to a great extent) of a film's 
> noise/transfer fingerprint is to treat it in as direct an imaging 
> method as possible.

Apparent grain can be eliminated this way but still the transfer response 
remains relatively non-linear leading to un-natural colour and contrast 
irregularities relative to a basic calibrated digital work-flow.

> This means large film and contact sheets.
> In the 1970s. Playboy magazine used triple truck sized sheet film 
> camera for their centerfolds.
> Not sure if this is the correct term, but the centerfolds were made 
> from contact printed Ektachromes.
> I have it on good regard from one of Pompeo Posar's former assistants 
> that the centerfolds were not airbrushed, although the models pretty 
> much were.
> The image quality is pretty astounding, especially for a magazine.
> Apparently the Ektachrome originals are beyond gorgeous.

I'd love to be proven wrong but I suspect the prints you speak of though 
resolute would look pretty bad up against prints produced using studio MF 
digital work-flows these days. In a regular analogue print system contact 
prints or not you still end up with at the very least colour non-linearities 
and contrast errors. Using a digital work-flow with a (now) US$1k 6MP camera 
anyone with a little skill can produce 12x18" prints with satisfactory 
resolution and very accurate colour and contrast for very little cost on the 
print side.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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