> >> FWIW, if you come across an FA50/1.4, it is a very nice
> >
> > I'd second that. Doesn't it make you wonder why a new 50mm
OK it 
> > would equate to approx 75mm on the *istD, portrait lens? or
can we
> > expect a full frame digital?............naaaaaah just
> I have read that full frame is the future. The $64,000
> question is how far away from it are we?

It's all rumors. Personally, however, I prefer the 16x24mm
format. Smaller, lighter, faster telephoto field of view at
lower prices, with a touch more DoF to work with. As long as
they can make 6-8Mpixel on this size imager with the quality
we're getting out of the *istD/DS, it works fine for me. 

A 50/1.4 is a superb lens for this format, my second most used
focal length after the 28-31mm range. 


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