Derby Chang wrote:

1. You can feel how many stops you are changing by how much you twist the ring. Body control dial means you need to either watch the display or count the clicks. I can also feel where the aperture is by using my thumb to feel for the A-lock button.

2. The right hand is busy enough (ahem). Distributing the work of aperture control (and focusing) to the left hand is fairer.

3. It's faster. One twist on the aperture ring goes from wide to fully stopped down. It takes 4 sweeps of the e-dial on my istDS to do the same.

4. The aperture ring stays put. The body dial can easily get bumped (especially, for me, the Tv dial on the PZ1).

5. You can see where the aperture is set before you turn on the camera (for those HCB moments)


Oh, just thought of one more. Aperture rings let you set hyperfocus distance (not that I do it that much)


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