On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 20:45:47 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a message dated 1/26/2005 11:18:58 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> the farty little wheel on the back I
> > just tolerate.
> >
> > Rob Studdert
> =========
> Ditto for the C**** 300D I am using. Little wheel sets shutter speed or
> aperture depending on what else you trip on the camera or what "picture mode" 
> it is
> in. I admit, it's better than the Elan was, but still,  I am always setting
> the aperture when I what the shutter speed and vice-a-versa. I suppose one of
> these days it will come more naturally to me. But when you had to set it on 
> the
> lens it was much harder to get it all confoosed.
> Sheesh, I sound like a photography old fart and I have only been doing
> photography off and on (more off) for three years. Hmmm, I wonder when one 
> qualifies
> for old fartiness? ;-)
> Marnie aka Doe

But, seriously, Marnie,

I don't have a digital anything (as you all know).  All my cameras
have shutter speed dials on the top plate, just to the right of the
prism (except my Leica, which for one thing has no prism, and for
another the dial is on the front of the camera - but the CL's the only
Leica that I know of with it there).  The film advance lever is by my
right thumb.  Aperture and focus on the lens barrel.  Pretty zimple.

Not only simple, but pretty standard from camera to camera, company to
company.  One could pretty much pick up an SLR made by anyone, and
could operate it within seconds, with no direction or instruction.

I'm not saying that's a good thing, just something that certainly
can't be done today.

There.  ~Now~ who's the old fart here?  <vbg>

-frank (who had chili for supper last night, remember?)

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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