My MZ-S is largely electronic as well, so condensation is an issue here
too.  I wonder if the "extra" electronics of  a DSLR really makes much
of a difference?  A DSLR also generates more internal heat so I also
wonder if this is better at driving internal moisture away.

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/25/2005 4:27:14 PM >>>
Hard drive/card-reader, batteries and charger(s). I don't own a pair
socks that heavy!
No electronics are really "up" for condenced (or any other) moisture.
The problems most likely won't show up at first - but after a
Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Godfrey DiGiorgi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sendt: 25. januar 2005 17:57
Emne: RE: Travelling *istD/DS (was:Digital anguish)

--- Jens Bladt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You are right, if you don't mind carrying all that stuff.

"All that stuff" amounts to a small bag smaller than a sock,
Jens. MUCH less to carry than the 24-36 rolls of 35mm film I'd
otherwise need.

> As far as moisture is conscerned it's not just about rain or
> water getting
> into bags and stuff.
> It's about condenced water.

I've lived and visited in cold climates too. It's not been a
problem at all.

> ... For "on the road" I'd prefere to use cameras that are
> kinda dispoasble or at least without too much sofisticated,
> surface-mount electronics. I guess if you can keep you gear at
> degerees Celsius at all times, condence is not a problem....

That's your choice. The hardware seems to be well up to the
challenge. Use it with reasonable care and it will just keep
working and working.


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