On 27/1/05, wendy beard, discombobulated, unleashed:

>Thinking aloud. This is sort of a little quiz to help
>me make up my mind.
>Here's the situation: I will be selling some gear to
>help fund another, pretty pricey, purchase.
>I have a 20D, 10D, *istD and MZ-S
>The 20D is staying. The 10D is definitely going. One
>of either the *istD or the MZ-S will be going. The
>question is: which one?
>I'm not a great user of wide-angle lenses so that
>digital crop/film argument is irrelevant (the 18-55 I
>bought with the istD has yet to be used). The other
>lenses I own - 43, 77, 300, 24-90 work all equally
>well with digital and film. I'm about 85% certain
>about which of the two cameras I'll be selling. I
>don't have any specific requirements for the camera
>I'll be keeping (the Canon is my dogsport camera -
>that has a specific purpose)
>My question to you all is - which would you sell/keep
>and why?

And my question to you my dear is: what are you *buying* ?? :-)))


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