Juan, - sorry 'bout my mistake.
The logo doesn't bother me, though - it's turning away from me while I
shooting :-)
I guess Leica users do this to minimize the risk of getting the camera
I have also noticed, that the logo on cars, often gets smaller, as the price
goes up.
Very expesive cars don't even visible logo or name tag.
AS they say: He who lives quietly, lives well ;-)

Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Juan Buhler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 3. februar 2005 21:03
Til: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Emne: Re: PESO: Pentax girl

On Thu, 3 Feb 2005 20:19:31 +0100, Jens Bladt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Welcome on biard, Juan.

Hi Jens,

We've met already, but thanks for the welcome :-)

It is Patricia (the subject of my picture) who's new here.

> Nice shot, allthoug a little dark.

Yes, as I said light was all over the place...

> What's with the black tape?

Here we go again... :-)

Some people like the was their cameras look with black (usually
gaffer's) tape covering the logos and marks. This is popular with
people shooting Leicas, who sometimes cover the red dot in front of
the camera with a square of tape. The istD has such a bright white
Pentax logo in front that I taped mine as soon as I got it. This is
how it looks:


(with an Industar 50/3.5 from 1959)


Juan Buhler
blog at http://www.jbuhler.com/blog

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