On Fri, 04 Feb 2005 12:17:30 -0700, Tom C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cool Frank... I especially like the first two landscapes.  Nice to see come
> color too. :)
> Both the fisheye shots I posted had a horizon.  What I find neat about
> fisheye is that if you can shoot w/o a horizon, like down into a canyon or
> at the base of a waterfall, it gets difficult to detect the shot was done
> with a fisheye and it captures so much.

Well, I really am still learning to get the most out of it, but the
initial results are encouraging.  It is fun to do stuff with the
horizon.  These ones (especially the first) I quite specifically tried
to get the curve of the river bank and the horizon to more or less
"work" with the distortion of the lens.  Some other shots (with a roll
that's currently at the lab) I tried the "get the horizon dead centre
so it's not curved" think.  Those should be neat if they turn out.

What I like about this process is that I'm certainly not doing
anything that hasn't been done before, but it's all new ~to me~, so
it's quite an adventure.  This is so different from anything I've used
previously, it feels almost like the first time I bought a new lens
for my first SLR.

Thanks for the thoughts.

Geez, I'd pretty much settled on the Leica for this weekend (so
portable), but all this talk of fisheyes and I pretty much have to
bring the LX/wide zoom/fisheye!  Leaving in 1/2 hour, must decide
soon!!  <g>

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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