JB> Some TTL-flashes don't work right with the *ist D/*ist DS, in my experience
JB> especially those with a red AF assist light.
JB> My AF280T works fine with the *ist D, perhaps with a small tendency towards
JB> overexposure (less than ˝ stop off). At 200-400ASA most TTL flashes work all
JB> right. If you’re shooting at 1600ASA, you may get excessive over exposure,
JB> though.

I am having problems with AF400FTZ on *ist DS. It either overexposes
when the subject is near or underexposes if the subject is far. I am
not sure if I wasn't over the 400 ISO when I did the shooting, as it
might have gone up to 1600 by the auto sensitivity correction.

The exposure errors were very bad though. I had to dial -2 for FEC to
get appropriate exposure.

Though it might be that the flash is faulty. Will try the flash on
somebodies else digital, see what happens.

Riga, Latvia

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