I have been there once several years ago.  Didn't get to do much
photography - had the family in tow as we were visiting to help our
daughter with her report.

What I liked about it was that there is a big square out front and it
is still an active mission - church services are held.  From my
understanding, it has the biggest chapel out of all the missions.  It
also has an inner courtyard with gardens and such.  It seems like
there would be some good opportunities there.

This is the mission that I am leaning towards.

Anybody have other thoughts?

Best regards,

Sunday, February 6, 2005, 6:06:53 PM, you wrote:

JF> In a stroke of serendipity, today's San Jose Murky News has a
JF> feature article on the California missions.

JF> San Juan Bautista looks quite interesting.

JF> Bruce Dayton mused:
>> Good to hear, John.  So far, looks like we have possibilities of four
>> of us.  Hopefully more people will figure out that they are near
>> enough to the bay area to want to come.
>> I have the DA 16-45 and will naturally bring it along.  Once we get a
>> little more solidified on who's attending, we can figure out what gear
>> people have/would like to see.
>> Hope you'll be able to attend...
>> -- 
>> Best regards,
>> Bruce
>> Sunday, February 6, 2005, 2:08:12 PM, you wrote:
>> JF> Bruce Dayton mused:
>> >> 
>> >> This is a notice for anyone in reasonable driving distance to the Bay
>> >> area - We are going to have a PDML photo outing on March 5th.  The
>> >> plan is to meet and shoot at one of the missions in the area.  I've
>> >> got to get that finalized, but the date is solid.  Hopefully any of
>> >> you near San Francisco (I'm in Sacramento) will join us for a fun day.
>> >> 
>> >> Check your calendars and let me know if you might be able to join us.
>> >> 
>> >> -- 
>> >> Best regards,
>> >> Bruce
>> JF> That's a probable "Yes" from me.
>> JF> If potential attendees would like to indicate some Pentax gear they
>> JF> don't own, but would like to play with, it would be a good idea to
>> JF> let other attendees know.  I know I'd like to spend a little more
>> JF> time with a DA 16-45, and it might be fun to try the 14mm as well.
>> JF> Plus, of course, an FA* 85/1.4; so far I've never handled one.
>> JF> I can bring along some of my older film bodies (MX, Super Program,
>> JF> PZ-1p), as well as the *ist-D and/or MZ-S I'd be using myself.

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