>From previous trips to California missions, there is usually an indoor and
outdoor component.  You can experience some of the interior ornateness within
the chapel buildings or explore the gardens (in various stages of bloom) out
back. So, it could be both an indoor and outdoor experience.

Pat in SF

Bruce Dayton wrote:
Hello Shel,

Love to have you come.  You didn't miss any messages.  Since Mark
Dalal moved, I have somehow become the organizer of the event.  So the
date was picked based on my ability to go.  I don't have any other
openings until about June.  As to shooting missions, Marnie and I have
been kicking around different ideas for a while and she brought this
one up.  Seemed like a great idea and a departure from a more
outdoors/nature venue.  I still have to look them up and see what
looks best around the area - I believe there are several to choose
from.  I'll try to check into the missions today and post my findings.

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