People are already doing something like that. Check out this boingboing post:

and the Flickr tag:


On Tue, 8 Feb 2005 00:05:34 +0000, Bob W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> > <>
> >       "The Reader recounts the experience of photojournalist
> >       Warren Wimmer's attempts to photograph Anish Kapoor's
> >       sculpture, Cloud Gate (more commonly known as 'the Bean').
> >       When Wimmer set up his tripod and camera to shoot the
> >       sculpture, security guards stopped him, demanding that
> >       they show him a permit. Wimmer protested, replying that
> >       it's absurd that one needs to pay for a permit to
> >       photograph public art in a city-owned park."
> > The explanation (they're protecting the _artist's_ copyright) makes
> > some sense to me as well, but the "guards will stop you if you try
> > to take photos in public" aspect still feels ... troublingly odd.
> People should resist this sort of nonsense. Not easy, I know. Still,
> how about a mass snapshot - get as many people as possible to go there,
> set up their tripods and take photographs while sticking 2 fingers up
> at the jobsworths.
> --
> Cheers,
>  Bob

Juan Buhler
blog at

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