This is basic chinese for me :-)
All I need to know is if the claimed output gets
divided by the quantity of batteries being charged or
if not.
They sell it as a 2 and a half hour charger, (900 mnA
by 2,5 is 2250 mA, and my batts are 2300 mA), but I
don't know if it's true if 4 batts are being charged.
Thanks and regards


--- Ryan Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Albano Garcia wrote:
> >Hi gang,
> >I use AA NiMh rechargeables.
> >My charger says "output 900 mA MAX", so it's a
> maximum
> >of 900mA per hour.
> >My question is: if I put 4 AAs to charge, this
> output
> >splits in four? or 4 batteries receive 900 mA each?
> >Regards
> > 
> >  
> >
> Are you reading this on the wall wart or the charger
> itself?
> The best way to think of this is really in watts,
> since the power supply 
> for the charger isn't at 1.5V.   Basically, multiply
> the supplied volts 
> by the amps and this is the watts delivered.   With
> this number, you can 
> figure out how much is _ideally_ going toward the
> charge.   Now, the 
> problem is that the batteries get hot and the
> charger gets hot, so some 
> of this delivered energy is lost as heat.
> -Ryan
> >=====
> >Albano Garcia
> >Photography & Graphic Design
> >http://www.albanogarcia.com.ar
> >http://www.flaneur.com.ar
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >             
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Albano Garcia
Photography & Graphic Design


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