Jens wrote:

> Is this good or bad? Are you sayin the new 100 is better than the F or the
> discontinued 50?

I've read numerous opinions about the Velvia 100 and Velvia 100F and I've yet 
to hear about anyone who would use any of them as a replacement for Velvia 50. 
If Fuji intend to phase out Velvia 50 then they are firmly shooting themselves 
in the foot.
I for one have been unhappy with any of the new "F" emulsion from Fuji. They 
may be high resolving but they aint sharp by my standards. In fact, Kodachrome 
200 is sharper than Provia 100F! This is quite possibly the reson why Provia 
100F is used in absolutely every test designed to prove that digital is better 
than film. The extra resolving power is mostly lost in scanning and printing 
and digital has better accutance and hence look sharper. In adittion, theres no 
Velvia 50 has both high resolution (enough anyway) and relatively high 
accutance. Only Kodachrome 64 is sharper. My bet is that if Velvia 50 is 
discontinued hordes of outdoor photographers will fill the fridge with the 
stuff before it is to late or jump ship to digital. 

To me the latest Fuji slide films, with the exception of Provia 400F which is 
truly excellent for what it is, seems to be designed to have specs that looks 
good on paper more than films that create good end results. 
I rather have fewer details that look pin sharp than more detals that look 
fussy. Fuji seems to be of a different opinion. 


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