Quoting Ryan Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Ronald,
> Thanks for the info! The documentary I saw was on Lituya Bay, I didn't
> remember the name at the time though. Being a seismologist sounds very
> interesting. Apart from those people they interview on tv documentaries, I
> can't say I've ever met one. Have you ever gone out of your way to witness
> an earthquake or a volcanic eruption first hand?

Ryan, do you perhaps mean the aftermath of an earthquake?
Because if anyone's actually had advance warning of one so that they could go 
witness it, I haven't heard about that (and would be interested in the 
BTW, I also saw a tsunami documentary that dealt with Lituya Bay -- may well 
have been the same documentary you saw. I didn't remember the name either.

whose only use of the geology degree in recent memory consisted of explaining 
tsunamis to a small son.

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