Mine was impact damaged, so it's in for a repair. I'm getting it back next
week - after a 200USD refurbishment, including a new chip (200USD). It's
worth it.

I  really  think it is an excellent lens. I haven't noticed any coma or
softness before it got damaged. It's is sharp at any range. Don't buy your
friends lens, if that's the issue. It should be excellent at all distances.


Jens Bladt

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Frantisek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sendt: 19. februar 2005 03:54
Emne: Tokina 28-70 ATX question

   I have one question about this lens, the first version (ATX
   2.6-2.8/28-70, not the later 2.8/28-70 or the last more plasticky
   2.8/28-70 ATX SV). I have borrowed it for a while from a friend,
   and after shooting some with it, it seems this sample is very best
   corrected for close focus, like portrait distances of 1 or 2
   meters. There it is exceptional even wide open, I was quite
   surprised. Farther away the performance drops, with some coma and
   some softness. It's not bad even there, but just needs more stops
   down. I was curious about this happening, and wanted to ask if
   others who used this lens (mind you, just the first version,
   2.6-2.8, rumoured to be designed by Angieneux), have similar
   experience or not?


Good light!

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