Hello Mark,

  I'm interesting in bying the M28/3.5. (I'm looking for a long time
  for a good wide angle lense). But I'm not sure about the flaw You
  wrote about. Could You, please, explaine to me about it more
  detaily? I'm interesting what this will cause bad for the using the
  lense? Can filter be screwed on the lense? Or it just can destruct
  completely the body of the lense? I can hardly see the flaw from
  Your photos...
  And one more thing. I'm living in Ukraine (did You hear about such
  country? Great events are here! :) ). Is it the problem on shipping
  the lense to Ukraine? If not, how much the shippment will be?

  Thank You in advanse,
  I am really interesting on buying this lense.

Best regards,
 Jurij                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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