I'm sure this puppy is going to be a killer seller this year. How could it not? 8 Mega-pickles, sexy looking battery grip, separate positions for servo and one-shot AF, orientation sensor, super price. And I really do like the idea of the LCD screen on the back rather than the top of the body, especially if it is on a high position on the tripod. But, but, but...

* Pentamirror (ewww).
* Auto ISO only going up to 400 (I've just discovered how cool auto-iso adjustment can be in very changeable light - might as well make the best of the light you have, and low light is the only situation I'd use auto-ISO in). Also it only goes up to 1600 in manual. I don't mind noisy shots if that is what it takes to get a sharp shot, rather than motion blurred.
* Supplied lith-ion battery (grrrr to Pentax for not including this)
* The Rebel badge looks really dodgy. OK, the 350D is more pleasantly restrained.

Minor quibbles I'll admit. But then I'm not buying one, so it's academic really. Actually I'm a bit jealous.

On a related note, I notice the Canon supports FAT32. Mmm...FAT32=2 Terabytes of storage. But I don't know if I'd want a huge number of unbackedup images on a large CF card. Especially on a FAT file system.

The *istDS manual doesn't seem to say too much about it, but what is the maximum SD card that the DS supports? Is it FAT16 only? Not really an issue, 4GB would be plenty for me anyhow.



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