Bob W mused:
> Hi,
> Saturday, February 19, 2005, 5:10:43 PM, Michael wrote:
> > Actually, it's not exif data i want to change.
> > It's file attributes like "title", "theme" or "commentary"
> > (deutsch: Titel, Thema, Kommentare)
> > I don't want to change hte file names. A lot of Programs do that.
> I hope this is what you mean:

[ten-step list of instructions deleted]

As Michael complained that it got tedious having to click
through the steps for each individual image, I suspect he
already knows how to do that.

What he wants is a way to do it, in bulk, without all the
clicks.  It's not possible to change those fields for a
group of images at once (by multi-selecting before left-
clicking to get to the properties), unfortunately.

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