> where is your film vs digital essay?
> Herb...

I wasn't going to post that to the list because it's actually rather
embarassing, but if you insist...

As you guys know, my *istD's aperture control was malfunctioning, so I sent
it to CO and was thus without a digital body. Nate and I got together with
Herb and I took my only other AF body, the ZX-50, which I hate because of
the cheap build. I hadn't used it in months. I wasn't sure I'd loaded it
correctly, but I assumed it would yell at me if I misloaded the film. It
didn't, and I "shot" about 20 exposures, many with Herb's FA 31mm, before
realizing the film wasn't advancing. Said realization was followed by a
tirade about shooting film and missing good shots.

Now I'm going to have to get together with Herb to try the FA 31mm again
because the shots I ended up shooting with it were in such low light that I
can't tell the difference between it and my new Tamron 28-75mm Di. I want to
see if that was caused by the low light or if the Tamron really is the equal
of the FA 31 (which I doubt for a number of reasons, but if it were  true it
would save me a huge chnk of money).

So that's the story.


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