Monday, February 21, 2005, 1:07:38 PM, Paul wrote:
PS> The PSCS RAW converter provides excellent control over exposure. i use
PS> the exposure slider to control the brightest highlights. The shadow
PS> slider adjusts the deepest shadow areas. Then I use the brightness
PS> slider to adjust the midtone values. You can bring up the midtones with
PS> the brightness control without affecting the highlights. That's great.
PS> Finally, the contrast control will move the ends of the histogram away
PS> from the middle or toward the middle. The sum result is control that's
PS> more accurate than levels and curves and more intuitive as well. I
PS> can't imagine working any other way. Sometimes, I'll provide a little
PS> fine tuning with  the shadows/highlights tool after converting to tiff,
PS> but generally I do almost all my adjustments in the PSCS RAW converter.

Thanks! That's very interesting, and helpful, account of it.

Good light!

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