--- Don Sanderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks for replying Andre,
> I came to the same conclusion that the SF1 had the glass and
> the 1n the plastic.
> I did buy a 1 for the viewfinder for $22.00, haven't found
> another cheap one yet.
> It looks as though only the eyepiece glass is needed, the other
> two lenses look like coated glass. (I could be wrong)
> The eyepiece is just plain glass so I may be able to cut a
> coated filter down to fit.
> Seems there was someone (Alan?) who did this for a PZ1p.
> It certainly makes a BIG difference in the VF image.

I remember the SFXn I tried at a local store had coated glass eyepiece, but the 
I just bought from eBay has plastic (ouch!). I hated the plastic eyepiece so 
much I
cut one from HOYA HMC SUPER UV to fit my Z-1p, and the viewfinder is actually
sharper (especially noticable when manual focusing). But what's more important 
is I
don't need to shield it with my left hand now whenever I shoot outdoor. The
viewfinder simply flare no more. Anyway, the SF1n is defective so it will be 
back to
its owner.  :-)

Alan Chan

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