In a message dated 3/7/2005 8:23:56 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
Aren't there some recovery programs you could try?

I am sure the images are okay. It's the menus that aren't working and it 
won't turn off when I push the on/off button. I have it hooked up to the 
through the USB slot, because that is the only way I can get it to turn off. 
So it's a matter of getting at the hard disk without going through their 
system. I don't think I can do that myself. Unless I open it and find some way 
get at it, but I doubt it. I am thinking of writing the manufacturer and 
complaining. Not that it will do any good. It's been over six months since I 
it, I just haven't used it that often.

I could tell them I am bad mouthing them to a whole group of photographers, 
though. Hehehe.

Marnie aka Doe 

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