What Shel said. I only shoot one handed when walking the streets of an urban area. The cup of coffee I carry in the other hand is part of the fun, and it provides a bit of cover for the photographer. The first thing a potential subject sees is someone drinking coffee. Then the coffee comes down, the camera goes up, and I pull the trigger. For serious shooting, I use a firm two-handed grip, and, quite frequently, a tripod.
On Mar 8, 2005, at 12:38 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Hi Rob ...

It's a matter of what you get used to, and, of course, the style of
photography that one does. I learned to make photographs in San Francisco,
catching snippets of life on Market Street, the Mission District, and other
fast-paced and sometimes crowded urban areas. Using a pre-set spottie, a
wrist strap, and hoping for some quick reflexes, one handed shooting became
a simple and reasonably successful way of making photographs. It was hard
to do with a tele or long focus lens, though <LOL>



[Original Message]
From: Rob Studdert

So who else shoots successfully one handed? I certainly end up with
results at best when I do (which is only when there is no other option).

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